Legal security in the purchase of residential and commercial property in Italy.
Are you looking for real estate property in Italy? If you want, we can select for you offers by individuals or real estate agencies, as well as sales at public auctions, based on your needs.
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Does the Italian bureaucracy frighten you? Problem solving is our job.
Welcome to Italy ! Start your journey with us comfortably seated at home.

Bad surprises?
NO thanks, LEGALASSISTANCE protects me:
he purchase of real estate in Italy is an excellent investment only if monitored by a Team of experts in the sector.
DDifference between the services provided by our Team and those provided by a Real Estate Agency:
- LEGALASSISTANCE: does not sell real estate, but offers the legal advice of a Notary Public (namely a Public Official), of a Lawyer (namely a Professional who provides legal assistance and representation in favour of a Party) and of an Interpreter (in English, German, Russian and Arabic), i.e. qualified Professionals having the specific skills and qualifications required in Italy to assist and protect the buyer in all the purchase phases, starting from the conclusion of the preliminary contract until the transfer of possession of the real estate.
- Agenzia Immobiliare: pursuant to Article 1754 of the Italian Civil Code, the "Broker" (namely the Real Estate Agent) is the professional who "establishes links between two or more Parties for the conclusion of a deal without being connected to any of them by collaboration, employment or representation relations". In other words, the real estate agent's task is to bring the contracting Parties closer, i.e. make the real estate supply and demand meet: this is the service that the Agent is required to provide and for which he/she is entitled to be remunerated.
Hence whoever buys real estate in Italy must be well aware of the fact that if he/she is faced with "bad surprises", perhaps after he/she has already undertaken to purchase the real estate and even if he/she has already paid the Real Estate Agent, in no way the latter can help and protect him/her, precisely because, by law, he/she cannot assist and / or represent the buyer.
Conversely, the legal protection of the buyer falls within the competence of the LEGALASSISTANCE Professional Team that is achieving a position of absolute excellence on the international scene for the professionalism and competency demonstrated to individuals and entrepreneurs who wish to make safe and strategic investment in Italy.